EnergyDay : A New Dawn In Energy-themed journalism
Energy is Life! it has been so for long, and will continue to occupy prime place in our civilisation .
It is the cornerstone and supporting ramparts that hold the pillars of life. What can be accomplished without it?
Nothing underpins it’s prime place than the primacy and primeval attention given it at Creation by no other than the Almighty God.
God in His infinite wisdom at the beginning created Energy first in the form of light.
Little wonder then that every nation that has ever developed economically and technologically first sorted out their energy needs. Energy is pivotal to silicon valley, atomic research, science and technology, engineering and medicine.
Globally, the role of energy in national development in terms of economic, social, infrastructural, and human capital can not be overemphasised.
Therefore, if Africa in general and Nigeria in particular is to advance into the club of the elite Global South, it must get right its energy needs.
Crucial to getting it right is the recognition on the part of the citizens to keep alive discourse around energy; as it is dangerous to leave such critical sector in the hands of politicians and government officials alone.
Journalism must ensure that energy discourse is a major part of daily reportage, pointing out policy deficiencies and stirring government towards responsible and patriotic conduct and policies in the sector.
The determination to pioneer developmental journalism in the area of energy midwifed the birth of EnergyDay Nigeria.
The platform will advance discourse capable of shaping the Nigerian and African economy in the areas of power, oil & gas, extractive industry, renewable energy and maritime.
There is no better time to intervene through factual and developmental reporting than now when investors are looking for good investment destinations in Africa.
It’s no gainsaying that Africa has a poor Energy reputation, even as Nigeria – the biggest economy in the continent, has persistently recorded worst energy data.
For instance, provision of electricity has remained a mirage despite huge budgetary allocation and intervention to rescue this critical sector.
Oil & Gas which have constituted major revenue earner to many countries on the continent is charactised by absence of defined, achievable objectives as to it’s contribution to national development, while corruption, mismanagement and bad leadership have remained high.
The extractive industry has been on its lowest ebb, while there are no conscious efforts to develop alternative means of power generation through renewable energy.
At a time when the global community is advancing very fast towards alternative sources of energy; When cars are powered by electricity, managers of our resources seem unpertubed and closed to global trends.
The media, Constitutionally empowered as the watchdog of society cannot be said to have helped matters in terms of setting objectives and holding operators and government accountable.
As a watchdog, it is therefore our mandate to make ourselves available as partners with agencies of government and all players within the sector. We are coming from a different perspective and the primary focus will be to drive the sector to the next level of development through insightful, investigative, and analytical presentation of facts.
We promise to represent all sides as long as they are willing to make full disclosure. We promise to adhere to the ethics of true journalism and to remain supportive of the development and progress of the African continent in general and Nigeria in particular.
We have not come to criticise, but to speak truth and interrogate the whole energy chain, as we will only promote things that will make Nigerians see and achieve the impact of Energy.
Our stand is clear. We are not going to report energy in the manner it has always been reported. We will be offering solutions and fresh, newly minted insights.
No doubt, there is a lacuna, and this is what we have come to address. We’re here as development partners for players who are willing to engage us in developing this critical sector.
One thing is sure, the sector has been under reported, there is the need for urgent intervention, which our platform sets out to achieve.
Our editorial team are a cream of seasoned professionals in the industry with depth to detail the sector through unbiased reporting .
We will be bringing issues around energy- challenges – to the fore in the manner it has never been done before.
It is our mandate to make our readers arrive at informed decisions.
Investors will be exposed to available opportunities.
The good thing is that we are offering them platforms to air their views and educate the public on occurrences in the sector.
The job of getting the energy sector right is the responsibility of all of us, the citizens, thus we crave your indulgence to be our partners in the business of building the sector in line with the global best practice.