July 27, 2024

As TCN restores national grid Nigerians criticize perennial collapse


Ilenre Irele

The Transmission Company of Nigeria, TCN, said it had fully restored the national grid following a fire incident at the Afam Power Generating Station, which caused a partial disturbance of the nation’s electricity grid.
According to TCN, fire, in the early hours of today (Monday), erupted at the Afam V 330KV bus bar coupler, leading to the tripping of units at Afam III and Afam VI power plants, which resulted in a sudden generation loss of 25MW and 305MW respectively, thereby destabilising the national grid.
The TCN, however, in a statement by its General Manager, Public Affairs, Ndidi Mbah, explained this evening that the effect of the system disturbance was minimal as Ibom Power Plant was isolated from the national grid to supply electricity to Port Harcourt region, which covers four states.
However, many Nigerians who spoke with EnergyDay bemoaned persistent collapse of the grid.
James Alabi, a civil servant wondered why government has not done anything to stem “
the tide of incessant collapse every now and then of the grid. I believe the grid is old. How much will they use to replace it. Our leaders are terrible, really terrible. When are we going to get it right, why is Nigeria so accursed with bad leadership?”
Folake Anjorin, a business woman,said ” I don’t have much to say, it’s not as if the government was unaware that the grid is old , but insensitive to the needs of the citizens. If it were something pertaining to them or the National Assembly they would have attended to it. I believe one day what happened in Senegal recently will happen here.”
On his own, Janet Oko a student said” I have lost faith in the capacity of our leaders to do the right thing period!”.


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